
Experienced Cricket Coach

Western Australia


I’m an English Cricket Board (ECB) Advanced/Level 3 coach and have been coaching cricket for nearly 40 years. I have coached at all levels from club to international cricket (ICC Associate Nation) and also worked as a Cricket Development Officer for many years so I am well equipped to work with cricketers of any level/ability and help them to improve their game.
I’m very old school and really believe in getting the basics right. A correct grip, solid stance and back lift together with learning to play the ball late and under the eyes will lead to you scoring many runs in later years. A “tight” bowling action will enable you to develop your bowling and try out seam, swing and spin thus finding the right style to take your game to the next level.
My coaching philosophy is to engage and encourage every player to be the best they can be, by keeping sessions easy to understand. My aim is to enable players to take ownership of their own progress and give them the confidence to identify and rectify elements of their game that needs improvement. They will be given drills that they can practice at home in the back garden to help improve the points we have covered in the 1-2-1 sessions.


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Bennett Park, Shearn Crescent, Doubleview WA, Australia


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